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Application For Leave Of Absence From School During Term Time

As a parent/carer you are strongly urged to avoid leave of absence from school during term time. Should this be absolutely unavoidable then you must write to the Headteacher prior to the absence.

The government implemented new legislation that came into effect from September 2013 which means that Schools may only authorise leave of absence in exceptional circumstances. A parent or carer does not have any right to leave of absence during term time and if your request is refused the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. This could result in legal action being taken or a Penalty Notice being issued by the Local Authority.

A Penalty Notice involves a fine of £60, per child, per parent/carer if paid within 21 days, rising to £120, per child, per parent/carer if paid within 28 days. Should a parent or carer on whom a notice is served fail to pay the full amount of the fine within the specified time he/she will be liable to prosecution in a Magistrates court where on conviction a sentence or a fine of up to £2,500 or up to three months in prison may be imposed. Penalty Notices may only be served in accordance with the terms of the County Council’s local code of Conduct, a copy of which is retained by the school.

Should leave of absence be taken after permission has been withheld then this will be recorded as unauthorised absence. This will appear both in the school register and in your child’s report.  Persistent unauthorised absence may result in the involvement of the Education Welfare Office and possible legal proceedings.