At Cromwell Academy we...
Part of
ACES Academies Trust
At Cromwell Academy we have a highly motivated, enthusiastic and committed team of staff and governors who are keen to work together with parents/carers to provide the very best education for all of our children, whilst ensuring they remain safe and happy. We believe that a positive partnership between home and school is a key factor in supporting the academic achievement and emotional well-being of our pupils.
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APDR Meetings
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Yr1 Johnsons Farm Visit
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Parent Consultations
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Interim Reports Home
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Year 2 Class Assembly
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Y6 Parent Information Evening
Family Worker Coffee Morning
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Year 1 Class Assembly
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Easter Holiday
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Summer Term Opens
Years 5 and 6 are off to Birmingham Young Voices today, they are already having a super time
Year 6, In English last week, the children were challenged to find and match with their partners phrasal verbs and verb phrases. The children enjoyed embedding their learning whilst moving around the classroom.
Year 1 have recently been on a minibeast hunt they had great fun here are some pics:-
We have exciting new menus for after half term, commencing 4th November 2024 Click on the link below to our website for further information
Please see the link below for our latest newsletter
Year 2 have had a great end to the week with our school council votes. All 19 children who decided to try and run made incredible speeches and spoke brilliantly in front of the class.
Year 4 have had a wonderful week they have spent time learning about how to use characteristics of an animal to classify them. With the beautiful weather we had to spend as much time outside as possible!
We are very proud to introduce our House Captains and Vice Captains for Mercury, Mars, Neptune and Venus. The children have been busy writing speeches and job applications for the Year 6 roles and responsibilities.
Year 1 have finished their DT topic of building a castle, I hope you enjoyed seeing these.
Year 3 became aboriginal artists by replicating their dot painting style. Did you know that the aboriginal people painted using sticks instead of paintbrushes?!
Year 6 took part in a Year 6/Year 7 transition Geography lesson with a KS3 Geography teacher. Well done Year 6!
"Cromwell Primary is a friendly school where everyone is welcomed and valued." Ofsted
"Staff have high expectations of what pupils can achieve. Pupils respond well to this challenge. Pupils are keen to learn and take pride in what they do." Ofsted
"If any parent were looking for a school for their child, I wouldn't hesitate in suggesting Cromwell." Parent
Hinchingbrooke Park
PE29 6JA
Tel: 01480 437830